Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1

So it's December 1.  awesome.  I'm feeling a little poopy today and I have an audition tomorrow so I'm really trying to rest the voce, and I will eat lots and lots of veggies for lunch and dinner.  My goal is to have at least 10 different types of produce today.  I took my vitamins too, and I had All-Bran for breakfast, so I'm getting lots of vitamins in.

Went to the gym for the 4th day in a row today!  I did 1/2 hour on the elliptical.  Woulda liked to do more, but I forgot my water bottle and was thirsty and just feeling pretty poopy.  But I'll do more tomorrow after my audition.  Maybe I'll even do a long run if I'm up to it.  I definitely haven't been sticking to a training schedule for my Dec. 19 15K race.  I figure as long as I stay active, and do at least one moderately long run per week, I'll be just fine.  Losing a few pounds before then would be just as helpful as sticking to a strict training schedule.  I'm glad John and I are getting into the habit of going to the gym first thing in the morning.  That's probably the best thing I can do to stay fit, to make sure I'm going at the same time everyday and making it a habit.

Today's pretty free.  I'll probably do some reading, listen to my coaching from yesterday, and translate I Compagnacci.  Also probably do some Jillian Michaels and some yoga this afternoon.  John will be gone for most of the day working.  Okay i'm off.

Oh.  My goals for December are as follows:

Eat less than 1500 calories on 6 days of each week.
do at least 1/2 hour exercise everyday
Jillian Michaels twice per week
Yoga at least once per week
Get down to 135 so that at the end of the month I can go out and buy a new evening gown for my concert on jan 30.  I was 140.2 today.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Random questions.

A quiz to pass the time... Stolen from someone's sparkpeople page.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:55, then was up and down for a couple hours before me and John went to the gym.  Go us!

2. How do you like your steak? Oh no you DIDN'T!  This girl would rather vom than eat animal flesh.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Social network, with John, a couple weeks ago.

4. What is your favorite TV show?  Probably the Biggest Loser.  It's the only one I watch pretty much every week.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?  San Fran probably, or someplace in Italy if I didn't have my career in mind.

6. What did you have for breakfast? oatmeal, apple, blueberries, soymilk, flaxseed, cocoa powder, coffee

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Definitely Indian

8. What foods do you dislike? Anything that causes pain and suffering to a leaving, breathing creature.

9. Favorite Place to Eat?  Right now, probably Blossom

10. Favorite dressing? hmmm something with olive oil and balsamic...

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive? A 1994 Buick

12. What are your favorite clothes?  Yoga clothes, if I'm feeling skinny.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?  1/2 full, usually.

15. Where would you want to retire? Hawaii maybe?  or somewhere in Italy.

16. Favorite time of day? first thing in the morning

17. Where were you born? Freehold, NJ

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?  UGH.  Except maybe gymnastics.

19. How many siblings? 1, he's 4  years older.

20. Favorite pastime/hobby?  yoga, running, listening to classical music, dancing, working with animals

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? dont' think there will be...

22. Bird watcher? not in the slightest, unless you count NYC pigeons.

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?  definitely morning

24. Do you have any pets? nope, sad.  But I'm going to be volunteering at the animal shelter, and I hope to be an honorary mom to several doggies while I'm there.

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Got a gig in May.  Happy.  Lots of fun career stuff coming up.  and spending the summer with the man in San Fran, probably.

26. What did you want to be when you were little? lots of different things.  mostly be famous.  on broadway, or in films.  For awhile I wanted to be a teacher in a private school.  I never thought of being an opera singer, but my inner attention whore has definitely led me down this path.

27. What is your best childhood memory? waking up on xmas morning to a living room piled with presents.  Reading babysitter's club books in the car driving to West Virginia.

28. Are you a cat or dog person? DOG!  I adore every single dog I've ever met.

29. Are you married? nope, but hopefully very soon!  ;-)

30. Always wear your seat belt? Always

31. Been in a car accident?  nope, thank goodness

32. Any pet peeves?  not that I can think of right now.  when John leaves the towel in a ball on the counter.  people who walk too slow in the street.  panhandlers.  People who don't think about anyone but themselves.  Close-minded people.

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings? don't eat much pizza since I went vegan... but probably marinara sauce and any veggies that are around.

34. Favorite Flower?  I like all flowers... sunflowers are nice.  roses.  when flowers are a gift, it really doesn't matter what kind they are, it's the thought that counts.

35. Favorite ice cream? Soy Delicious chocolate peanut butter swirl.

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?  Barf.  except Maoz Vegetarian.  that stuff rocks.

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?  passed with flying colors.

38. From whom did you get your last email?  Massage Envy, inviting me to give a massage as a gift.

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?  I would rather not max out my credit card.... but I do like Urban Outfitters, and Macy's

40. Do anything spontaneous lately? I guess not so much.... I should probably do that one of these days.  When I finish this blog, I will spontaneously turn on my yoga DVD and do a little workout.

41. Like your job?  Usually... Actually my work is hard, but it pays off when I get to perform and I feel that I've improved.  I like getting to dress up really pretty.  I love to sing, and I love the process of collaborating with other musicians.  I also love that I get to sing some of the most beautiful music ever written.

42. Broccoli? HELLS yeah!

43. What was your favorite vacation? Hawaii, with my love, this past June.

44. Last person you went out to dinner with? My man, to Chili's, on Saturday.

45. What are you listening to right now? nothing.  complete silence, which is rare in NYC.

46. What is your favorite color? light blue, always has been.  When I feel feisty I wear red, but I've been wearing a lot of grays recently.

47. How many tattoos do you have?  None, probably never

gym this morning

John and I will start going to the gym first thing in the morning today.  The perfect thing to do right after Thanksgiving weekend, where we did little besides eat and lie on the couch.  It will be nice to get back into the habit of working out when I wake up, and I think it will help me stay more active the rest of the day, and probably lead to better food choices.  I woke up way too early today, but I think I slept enough.... I feel pretty blah right now.  Probably from knowing that I have to get to the gym soon.  But I'll do maybe 30 minutes on the treadmill, not a super-long workout.  It'll fly by.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I have another audition today.  It's going to be fine.  I'm offering Quando, Donde lieta, Anne, and Poison.  I know all of those inside and out.

Dietwise, I see myself slipping back into an unhealthy mindset and bad habits.  I've been bingeing all morning, and I binged a lot of yesterday afternoon.  I see the pattern that it usually happens when I have an audition coming up, or when I've just had one and can relax.  I need to break this pattern.  I can't allow 2 days of bad eating turn into 2 weeks.  I haven't even eaten that badly, but I see myself just constantly on a sugar craving, and I have no motivation to go to the gym.  Today my training schedule tells me I need to run 4 miles and do 30-day-shred level 2.  I just haven't wanted to move at ALL, all day long.  I'm dreading getting into my dress for fear that it will be too tight and I won't look sexy.  this mindset is what I've been dealing with my WHOLE life and I just don't know how to break through.  Because even before I was a singer I had an unhealthy relationship with food.  Well.... actually, my self-destructive habits didn't really start until I started performing in community theatre when I was 12, but coincidentally that's when most girls start to get insecure and go on crash diets.  But anyway, I'm not going to stop singing anytime soon, so I need to figure out a way to manage the stress of singing so that I don't turn to food.

Anyway, after my audition today, I'm going downtown for my interview at the animal shelter, then I'll get home probably around 6:30-ish.  I plan to get my gym clothes on right away and pound out 4 miles on the treadmill.  Tonight I can do JM2, maybe right after dinner.  It's only a 25-minute-long workout, I can handle it!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Volunteering tonight!

Went to the gym with the man, ran/walked 3.3 miles.  Go me!  This is after yesterday's loooong workout.  My knee was acting up so I kept having to take walk breaks, but then I did some sprinting at the end and my knee doesn't hurt when I run fast, just when I run 5.5-6 mph.  Weird.  Now he's making me a yummy lunch, because he's AWESOME.  Soba noodles and tofu.

Last night I ate lots of guacamole and chips at the restaurant, plus a glass of wine (even though I told myself and the man very clearly that I would NOT drink.) I did anyway.  Poo on me.  I was hanging out with a bunch of strangers, and it just felt better, and easier to ramble on about my vegan-ism, with a little liquor in me.  It's alright though.  I feel good today, and I won't drink tonight since I have an audition tomorrow.  Tonight I'm going to the animal shelter for the volunteer orientation.  We have to pay $25 to volunteer, which sucks, but if I stay there and like it and make friends and feel good helping all the animals, it will be worth it.  I've wanted to volunteer my time for awhile now, and I think this is just the perfect way, with my passion for animal welfare.  The hours should be flexible, and since I don't have a day job, I'll probably be available when other people are not.  It will be nice to have something else to focus on besides auditioning during this time, something that doesn't cause stress (hopefully), and will give me some exercise, if I get to take the dogs out for walks.  I really hope I like it, and the people are cool.  It would be cool if the man could do it with me, but he's allergic to cats, so it's not the best job for him, although he has the same love of animals as me.

I'm on a coffee high right now. Definitely had a bit too much.  For the rest of the day, I need to study my music for tomorrow, look at Adele's music, do Jillian Michaels level 2, and leave by probably about 5:30 to make sure I get to the shelter by 7.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I ran 8 miles today on the treadmill!  Well, mostly ran.  I took a few walk breaks, but I ended up completing the 8 miles in about 88 minutes.  I sprinted at the end too!!  I'm a badass.  I'm going to run a few miles everyday this week, and then Sunday I'm planning on doing the Navesink 15K while we're back home.  It'll be mostly a training run because I am doing the Ted Corbitt 15K on December 19th, and I want to be in shape for that.  It's nice to be moving again.  I was in such great shape a year ago before I did my half marathon.  I was roughly the same weight, but I could run much further than I can now.  s'alright though, I'm getting back in the game.  I've been pretty good yesterday and today with counting calories.  After my run today I came home and John made me a delicious bean/corn spicy medley, and it really filled me up!  I love when I eat a healthy meal after I run because then I feel like I'm really refueling, instead of just eating junk because I'm starving.  I'm so happy that John is on board with me and it so kindly counting the calories of the food he makes for me.  I'm just SO ready to get back into shape.  My size 4 Lucky's have been hanging on my wall for 2 months now, and I just really want them to fit again!  Right now, I'm barely fitting into my Size 6's.  In 1/2 hour I'm going to watch my friend sing in La Boheme.  It will be nice to sit for the afternoon.  Then I'll take the train up to John's show and watch him sing Gianni Schicchi, and go out with the cast afterward because it's the final performance.  I plan to order something light, and no alcohol since I have an audition on Tuesday.  I'm only up to 775 calories today so I have lots leftover for tonight.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Had my audition.  It went well.  Great in fact.  They seemed to adore me, and one judge even said, "Wow that's nice to come back from lunch to hear."  No callback, however.  I'm getting the feeling that although I'm singing well and make great impressions, this just isn't my year.  The best singing in the world will not force a company to change their repertoire and do an opera where there's a role for me.  It seems like the wrong productions are being done everywhere.  Well, there's still more.  I have many auditions coming up, many for shows with roles I can sing, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Diet wise, I'm doing alright so far.  I did most of Jillian Michaels' "Burn fat, boost metabolism" this morning (WOW that shit is HARD), and I'm about to finish the rest of it.  I was interrupted by the email that I needed to be at the place of audition in 2 hours, so I stopped when I was almost done with the DVD.  I've had 4 different f/v's so far today, and tonight I'm meeting the man at Cafe Blossom to celebrate his victory.  I will order something light (probably a salad) and have a much-needed glass of wine.  I'll do my best not to go over 1600, however it's probably not a good idea to eat out on day 1, but John really wants to go.  Unfortunately the calorie counts for this restaurant are not listed online, so I'm just going to have to make do.  My best bet is the Blossom Greens salad, which has cucumber, jicama, cherry tomatoes, and chickpeas.  It's mostly vegetables, so calorie-wise it should be pretty safe.  I'll do my best to measure out the chickpeas and calculate the calories when I get home.  Usually when I go to Blossom I splurge and get a big hearty sandwich with sweet potato fries, but not this time.  I'm serious about getting into shape, and I will not splurge tonight.

K, off to do some Jillian, then out for a little walk.